Can’t Sleep

Can’t sleep? A massage is the answer

In today’s digitally driven world we rarely feel rested. Quality sleep is important for all health concerns, from how we age, to what we eat and how we deal with stress.

Surprisingly a high number of people have what would be classed as ‘normal’ sleep patterns, but still wake up feeling sleepy, dull and unfocused – unable to concentrate and generally lack energy. It is sleep quality, rather than duration or continuity, where the problem lies. Many of us experience ‘non-restorative sleep’ (NRS), the clinical term for problems with sleep quality in the absence of a disturbed sleep pattern.

Can a massage help?

Massage can directly influence the body’s production of serotonin and the creation of melatonin, these two hormones, plus cortisol, play a vital role in our sleep patterns.

Levels of the hormone cortisol are often elevated in people who are stressed (yes – that’s most of us) which can lead to insomnia. Massage helps to balance the hormonal system and it’s proven that massage can reduce the level of cortisol by an average of 30 per cent! I’ll take that.

When it comes to serotonin – our happy hormone which influences our wellbeing, appetite, memory, sexual drive and sleep – Whilst it needs light and exercise to thrive, studies have also shown that massage can help to boost serotonin levels up to up 28 per cent.

In addition, melatonin, ‘the sleep-inducing hormone’, can be triggered by the pressure applied during a massage.

Simply put a one hour of massage provides the body with benefits that are equivalent to a power nap. A self-massage can be beneficial in boosting your sleep, too.

Self-massage tips for sweet sleep

1. Take a bath: ‘Add some soothing essential oils like lavender, ylang ylang or frankincense. Close your eyes and become present in the moment. Breath slowly, consciously and deeply from the diaphragm. The warmth of the bath will boost melatonin.’

2. Massage your feet: ‘Sit on the edge of the bed and rest your left feet on your right knee. Use foot cream or body lotion and slowly massage your feet. Pay special attention to the sole of your feet and make circles with your thumb along different points of your sole. Take your time. Breathe. Do the same with the other foot.’

3. Massage your hands: ‘You can sit on the edge of the bed or in the bed supporting your back with pillows. Using some lotion, massage the top of your hand and then turn your palm up and using the thumb circle your palm along different points and stretch your palm slightly in the same time. Make sure that you do it slowly while breathing all the time.’