Colonic Hydrotherapy

Colonic Hydrotherapy Aftercare

Congratulations! Just after receiving your colonic hydrotherapy treatment you will be glowing with health from the inside out. You will feel more peaceful. Lighter, cleaner and energised.

If there has been a long-standing condition of constipation or several health problems a slight headache or fatigue may be experienced with the first or second colonic. If this is so, a short rest will help restore your balance.

In some cases, you may feel slightly bloated after a colonic as entrapped gas makes its way to the exit. If this is the case, have a cup of peppermint tea and lie down with a hot water bottle for a while. In rare cases, tired may persist for a few days, as the body continues to detoxify itself. In these cases, we recommend another colonic treatment to accelerate the process.

Since the colon has been cleared of solid matter, it may take on average one to four days before it fills up again, and normal bowel movements are resumed.

Some water is absorbed through the colon wall during a colonic and you may notice an increased need to urinate for a few hours afterwards. This beneficial effect of flushing the kidneys may also be enhanced by drinking a few glasses of water with the juice of half a lemon added to each glass.


Eating and drinking tips;

  • Please Abstain from alcohol for at least 24hours after a treatment


  • Avoid ice cold water with meals. Sip room temperature water or warm water with lemon/ herbal teas to keep the body hydrated.


  • Avoid carbonated drinks which can make you feel bloated and gassy.


  • Avoid artificial sweeteners, use honey or fructose instead.


  • Keep your meals simple; do not mix too many different kinds of foods in one meal. Avoid any rich, hot, spicy foods for at least 24 hours.


  • Chew slowly and keep your mouth closed while chewing to avoid air getting into your digestive system.


  • Introduce whole grains such as brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat etc., which are nutritionally better as they contain the true roughage which cleans ups your digestive system. Generally, they are better if they are undercooked, soak the grains overnight before cooking and discard the soak water.


  • Add beans and pulses to your diet as they are high in fibre. Introduce them slowly to avoid excess gas. Soak beans overnight and discard soak water before cooking.