Predicted Plastic Surgery Trends for 2023

Fashion trends come and go, so do cosmetic procedures! The popularity and demand for specific plastic surgery procedures is influenced by factors such as technology, the economy, surgical innovation, and cultural shifts. According to Allure magazine, experts predict “a return to the knife” in 2023. Here are the biggest plastic surgery trends you can expect to see in the new year.

Procedures catering to the specific needs of male clients is one of the interesting trends that will continue in popularity in 2023. Whereas women have sought out plastic surgery for decades, men have only emerged as seeking out surgical answers for their problem areas over the last 10 to 15 years. Another trend in 2023 is that we are seeing both women and men looking for procedures that are more intimate in nature– altering the appearance of the genital area for aesthetic purposes is another way patients can become comfortable and confident in their own skin.

1. Facelift (lite) in your 40’s

Thanks to surgical innovation & advanced techniques, facelift results have come leaps and bounds compared to years past. Dubbed the “facelift lite,” a new approach to this cosmetic procedure has emerged that involves less pulling than traditional facelifts, while still eliminating wrinkles and tightening the skin. The result is a fresh and rejuvenated appearance without a “frozen” or unnatural look. Advancements in this procedure have made it increasingly popular, especially among those in their 40s and 50s. Patients are now seeking facelifts earlier and earlier to reduce maintenance and save money down the line, and experts believe this trend will continue. In 2023 experts expect “the facelift [to be] the anchor and then in-office procedures like Botox and filler [to] support the results,” reports Allure.

2. Brow & Eyelid Lifts

While injectables such as Derma Filler and Botox are phenomenal for preventing and erasing fine lines and wrinkles, they are not without limitations — particularly when it comes to treating concerns in the eye area. In 2023, experts predict that blepharoplasties (otherwise known as eyelid lifts) and brow lifts will become increasingly popular. For patients with puffiness, excess skin or fat on the eyelids, or severe brow and forehead lines, these procedures are excellent long-lasting solutions. Keeping in theme with facelifts, these minor tweaks can make all the difference for patients desiring a rejuvenated appearance without looking “overdone.”

3. Labiaplasty

Although it’s usually men that tend to be loudest about being dissatisfied with their genitals, women also have insecurities about the look of their private areas. Labiaplasty surgery procedures are on the rise in 2023 as women continue to look for the best and most effective ways to feel comfortable with their bodies. During this surgery, the physician will use a scalpel to cut away excess skin from the folds of the vulva. This is a popular procedure that is part of the current trend of “mommy makeovers.”

4. Forehead Reduction

Forehead reduction, otherwise called hairline lowering, is a surgical procedure used to reduce the vertical width of the forehead. Having a high hairline or the appearance of a large forehead causes self-consciousness, often resulting in the person trying new hairstyles, hats, or scarves to work around the appearance of their hairline. Using accessories to cover up a part of your face and head can be tiring and anxiety-inducing, and 2023 brings forth the trend of a permanent fix. By making small incisions along the hairline itself, a forehead reduction is performed by then removing excess skin, and pulling the hairline lower. The scar caused by the incision is easily hidden in the hairline, making this a desirable alternative for patients who wish to narrow the appearance of their forehead.

5. Male Liposuction

Liposuction is the most popular plastic surgery procedure for men and will continue to trend popularly for men in 2023. Male liposuction most often focuses on the removal of fat from the lower abdomen and “love handles,” or sides, although men also get fat removed from their chest, backs, and shoulders via liposuction. Men who undergo male liposuction achieve a sculpted and toned physique they can be proud of.

6. Gynecomastia Correction

Gynecomastia corrective surgery, more frequently given the easier-to-remember moniker of “male breast reduction,” is the second most requested cosmetic surgery performed on men. Male breast reduction treats gynecomastia, a condition where the tissue of the breast is enlarged. Most men associate the appearance of fuller breasts as looking feminine or undesirable. In order to achieve a smoother, more masculine chest, excessive fat around the breasts is removed.

7. Penile Enhancement

Even though it’s not possible to entirely alter the appearance of the penis, there are some non-surgical techniques that provide girth to the penis’ shaft. Penile enhancement, or penile enlargement, is a quick and non-invasive procedure, taking only about 20 to 30 minutes, but having long-lasting results that give patients more confidence in and out of the bedroom.

Penile enhancement increases the penis’ width, but can also add a small amount of length to the penis in some cases. As awareness of this procedure increases, more and more men in 2023 will seek a penile enhancement.