Positive and Negative Live

You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind

Our way of thinking reflects on the things we do and the way we feel. For example by telling yourself you cannot do something before trying, i.e. a job interview, run a marathon, reach a work deadline; you are already convincing yourself it is not possible so you lack the ambition you need to succeed. Whereas going for it with a positive mind you are giving yourself the motivation you need to achieve that goal.

You walk into an interview; you are there to prove to the interviewer that you are the perfect candidate for the job. By walking in with a positive confident mind your energy will fill the room and reflect on others, making them instantly feel positive. By walking in with a negative mind your energy will be felt by others and if you don’t believe in yourself how can you expect the interviewer to believe in you.

The way we see things and others reflect on the type of person we are, so by having a positive mind will make you more of a positive person with less worries and stress. Stress can have a huge effect on our wellbeing so try meditation and yoga to relax; this can also help with insomnia and having a good night rest is very important.

It is important to put yourself first, by doing the things you enjoy and having some ‘me time’. It will help to reconnect and energise your body, mind and soul.

You are a little bit of all those people you surround yourself with, so choose your friendship groups wisely, by surrounding yourself with positive, motivated people this will also reflect on how you think and react. By having positive energy around you it will also help boost your confidence and your inner beauty. Surround yourself by only people who are going to lift you higher.

I am a huge believer in always having a positive mind, and believe if you go to achieve an ambition with a positive mind then you are already 50% there.

You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind.

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